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Track ERC-20 token transfers

In this tutorial, you'll track ERC-20 token transfers from a specific address using the Web3 JavaScript library.



1. Create a project directory

Create a new directory for your project. This can be done from the command line:

mkdir trackERC20

Change into the new directory:

cd trackERC20

2. Install required packages

Install the web3 package in the project directory:

npm install web3

This example has been written for web3js v4.x. It may not work for earlier versions.

3. Set up the script

Create a file called trackERC20.js. At the top of file, add the following lines to import the web3.js library and connect to the Infura WebSocket endpoint:

const { Web3 } = require("web3");

async function main(){
const web3 = new Web3("wss://<YOUR-API-KEY>");

Make sure to replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with your Infura API key.

4. Set the ABI

Define the ERC-20 ABI by adding the following to the script:

const abi = [
constant: true,
inputs: [],
name: "symbol",
outputs: [
name: "",
type: "string",
payable: false,
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
constant: true,
inputs: [],
name: "decimals",
outputs: [
name: "",
type: "uint8",
payable: false,
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",

5. Subscribe to contract events

You can subscribe to the events that token contracts emit, allowing you to track every new token transfer as it occurs.

Add the following filter to the script, which tells the web3.eth.subscribe function in web3.js which events to track:

let options = {
topics: [web3.utils.sha3("Transfer(address,address,uint256)")],

Then, initiate the subscription by passing along the filter:

let subscription = await web3.eth.subscribe("logs", options)

In step 3, you wrap the whole script in an async function main(), because top level await is not allowed except in recent JavaScript versions.

You can also add the following lines to the script to see whether the subscription started successfully or if any errors occurred:

subscription.on("error", (err) => {
throw err
subscription.on("connected", (nr) =>
console.log("Subscription on ERC-20 started with ID %s", nr)

6. Read ERC-20 transfers

You can set the listener for the subscription created in step 5 by adding the following lines to the script:

subscription.on("data", (event) => {
if (event.topics.length == 3) {
// ...

To verify that the Transfer event you catch is an ERC-20 transfer, these lines check to see whether the length of the topics array equals 3. This is because ERC-721 events also emit a Transfer event but contain four items instead.

Because you can't read the event topics on their own, you must decode them using the ERC-20 ABI. Edit the listener as follows:

subscription.on("data", (event) => {
if (event.topics.length == 3) {
let transaction = web3.eth.abi.decodeLog(
type: "address",
name: "from",
indexed: true,
type: "address",
name: "to",
indexed: true,
type: "uint256",
name: "value",
indexed: false,
[event.topics[0], event.topics[1], event.topics[2]],

You can now retrieve the sender address (from), receiving address (to), and the number of tokens transferred (value, though yet to be converted, see step 7) from the transaction object.

7. Read contract data

Even though you retrieve a value from the contract, this isn't the actual number of tokens transferred. ERC-20 tokens contain a decimal value, which indicates the number of decimals a token should have. You can directly call the decimals method of the smart contract to retrieve the decimal value, after which you can calculate the correct number of tokens sent.


It is optional for ERC-20 contracts to implement these methods (see EIP-20: ERC-20 Token Standard), so you check for errors and fall back to default values.

Outside the subscription.on() listener created in step 6, define a new method that allows you to collect more information from the smart contract:

async function collectData(contract) {
try {
var decimals = await contract.methods.decimals().call()
} catch {
decimals = 18n
try {
var symbol = await contract.methods.symbol().call()
} catch {
symbol = "???"
return { decimals, symbol }

Since you’re already requesting the decimals value from the contract, you can also request the symbol value to display the ticker of the token.

Inside the listener, call the collectData function every time a new ERC-20 transaction is found. You can also calculate the correct decimal value:

subscription.on("data", (event) => {
if (event.topics.length == 3) {
let transaction = web3.eth.abi.decodeLog(
type: "address",
name: "from",
indexed: true,
type: "address",
name: "to",
indexed: true,
type: "uint256",
name: "value",
indexed: false,
[event.topics[0], event.topics[1], event.topics[2]],

const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, event.address);
collectData(contract).then((contractData) => {
var unit = Object.keys(web3.utils.ethUnitMap).find(
(key) => web3.utils.ethUnitMap[key] == (BigInt(10) ** contractData.decimals)
if (!unit) {
// Simplification for contracts that use "non-standard" units, e.g. REDDIT contract returns decimals==8
unit = "wei";
const value = web3.utils.fromWei(transaction.value, unit);
`Transfer of ${value + " ".repeat(Math.max(0, 30 - value.length))} ${
contractData.symbol + " ".repeat(Math.max(0, 10 - contractData.symbol.length))
} from ${transaction.from} to ${}`

8. Track a specific address

You can track a specific sender address by reading the from value of the decoded transaction object. Add the following line to the listener created in step 6, replacing <SENDER_ADDRESS> with the Ethereum address to track:

if (transaction.from == "<SENDER_ADDRESS>") {
console.log("Specified address sent an ERC-20 token!")

You can also track a specific recipient address receiving any tokens by tracking the value:

if ( == "<RECIEVING_ADDRESS>") {
console.log("Specified address received an ERC-20 token!")

9. Track a specific token

You can track a specific address sending a specific ERC-20 token, by checking for both transaction.from (the token sender) and event.address (the ERC-20 smart contract). Add the following line to the listener created in step 6, replacing <SENDER_ADDRESS> with the Ethereum address to track, and <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> with the smart contract address to track:

if (
transaction.from == "<SENDER_ADDRESS>" &&
event.address == "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>"
) {
console.log("Specified address transferred specified token!")

You can also track any transactions for a specific ERC-20 token, regardless of the sender or recipient:

if (event.address == "<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>") {
console.log("Specified ERC-20 transfer!")

10. Run the script

Run the script using the following command:

node trackERC20.js

Complete code overview

const { Web3 } = require("web3")

async function main() {
const web3 = new Web3("wss://<YOUR-API-KEY>")

let options = {
topics: [web3.utils.sha3("Transfer(address,address,uint256)")],

const abi = [
constant: true,
inputs: [],
name: "symbol",
outputs: [
name: "",
type: "string",
payable: false,
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
constant: true,
inputs: [],
name: "decimals",
outputs: [
name: "",
type: "uint8",
payable: false,
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",

let subscription = await web3.eth.subscribe("logs", options)

async function collectData(contract) {
try {
var decimals = await contract.methods.decimals().call()
} catch {
decimals = 18n
try {
var symbol = await contract.methods.symbol().call()
} catch {
symbol = "???"
return { decimals, symbol }

subscription.on("data", (event) => {
if (event.topics.length == 3) {
let transaction = web3.eth.abi.decodeLog(
type: "address",
name: "from",
indexed: true,
type: "address",
name: "to",
indexed: true,
type: "uint256",
name: "value",
indexed: false,
[event.topics[0], event.topics[1], event.topics[2]]

const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, event.address)
collectData(contract).then((contractData) => {
var unit = Object.keys(web3.utils.ethUnitMap).find(
(key) =>
web3.utils.ethUnitMap[key] == BigInt(10) ** contractData.decimals
if (!unit) {
// Simplification for contracts that use "non-standard" units, e.g. REDDIT contract returns decimals==8
unit = "wei"
// This is logging each transfer event found:
const value = web3.utils.fromWei(transaction.value, unit)
`Transfer of ${value + " ".repeat(Math.max(0, 30 - value.length))} ${
contractData.symbol +
" ".repeat(Math.max(0, 10 - contractData.symbol.length))
} from ${transaction.from} to ${}`

// Below are examples of testing for transactions involving particular EOA or contract addresses
if (transaction.from == "0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e") {
console.log("Specified address sent an ERC-20 token!")
if ( == "0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e") {
console.log("Specified address received an ERC-20 token!")
if (
transaction.from == "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D" &&
event.address == "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"
) {
console.log("Specified address transferred specified token!")
} // event.address contains the contract address
if (event.address == "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f") {
console.log("Specified ERC-20 transfer!")

subscription.on("error", (err) => {
throw err
subscription.on("connected", (nr) =>
console.log("Subscription on ERC-20 started with ID %s", nr)